
(Revised September, 2022)


This organization shall be known as the Ohio Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Its geographical boundaries shall be the State of Ohio.


  1. To promote a closer scientific relationship among microbiologists in Ohio. Through the medium of presented papers and personal associations, interchange of ideas concerning microbiological problems should be facilitated.
  2. To cultivate a social relationship among such individuals, which should be a pleasure to all concerned, and would tend to promote cooperation.
  3. To cooperate with neighboring Branches, other groups with overlapping interests, and with the parent Society.


  1. This Branch shall consist of Active and Associate members.
  2. Any member of the American Society for Microbiology in good standing and residing within the boundaries of the State of Ohio may become an Active member of the Ohio Branch upon payment of the specified local dues.
  3. Any person interested in microbiology and living in Ohio, upon payment of the specified dues, may become an Associate member of the Ohio Branch. Associate members shall not be eligible to vote for or hold the office of President, of Vice-President, or of the Councilor who represents the Local Branch on the Council of the parent society. These members, however, may vote for or hold other offices of the Branch.


  1. The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Councilor. The officers with the immediate past President (and possibly three members of the Committee on Policy) shall constitute the Executive Committee.
  2. All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Active members attending the annual meeting of the Branch. The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for terms to begin in odd-numbered years and the Vice-President and Councilor shall be elected for terms to begin in even-numbered years. The Secretary-Treasurer and members of the Committee on Policy shall be elected by a majority of both Active and Associate members present at the annual meeting in appropriate years. The term of each officer shall be two years with an overlap in the manner described above.
  3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Branch and of the Executive Committee. His/Her tenure of office shall be for two years, but he/she shall serve until his successor is elected. He/She shall not be eligible for re-election within two years after the expiration of his/her term of office.
  4. The Vice-President shall take charge of meetings when the President is unable to attend. His/Her tenure is also for two years.
  5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep all records of the Branch and be custodian of all funds. It is his/her duty to present secretarial and financial reports at each meeting of the Branch and to arrange for registration and acceptance of dues. (The following duties will be divided among the officers and the members of the Executive Committee according to mutual agreement: submitting reports to ASM, web page maintenance and development, electronic or written communication with membership, membership solicitation, and all tasks associated with the annual meeting and any other meeting the branch chooses to hold.) He/She shall assemble and send newsletters to all members, and with the President shall arrange programs for the scientific meetings. The tenure of office shall be for two years, but he/she is eligible for immediate re-election.
  6. A Councilor shall be elected for a two-year term to represent the Ohio Branch on the Council of the American Society for Microbiology. He/She shall be eligible for re-election.
  7. The Executive Committee shall recommend at business sessions of the Branch expenditures of monies, general policies, times and places for meetings, and other specific actions for vote by the members in attendance. This committee shall also be authorized to care for problems which require solution between business sessions.
  8. The Technology Administrator will oversee the development and maintenance of the Ohio Branch website and other technology needs as assigned by the board.  The Technology Administrator is responsible for granting new board members appropriate technology access rights pursuant to their position, and removing access from former board members. The Technology Administrator may possess confidential and/or privileged information, but is not authorized to use or disclose that information without approval from an elected officer.  Example: The Administrator will need to periodically work with the Secretary-Treasurer to pay fees associated with the development and maintenance of the website. The Technology Administrator shall be appointed by the President for indefinite continuing tenure whenever a vacancy in the office occurs.


The Ohio Branch shall hold one meeting each year, which will typically involve 2 days (i.e., overnight). The dates shall be chosen so as to interfere as little as possible with allied national or state scientific meetings.


This Branch may make such By-Laws as do not conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Society for Microbiology and which may seem necessary for the proper functioning of the Branch.


Any proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be presented in writing and read at any business meeting of the Branch. It shall be voted upon at the next meeting; the membership shall be provided with a copy of the proposed amendment at least 30 days in advance of this meeting. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present shall be required for adoption of an amendment.


  1. Student members of the Branch may form local student chapters of the Branch at their colleges and universities, under the advisorship of faculty members who are themselves members in good standing of the Branch, and with constitution patterned upon and not in conflict with the Constitution of the Branch. The Executive Committee may approve student Chapters after they submit a constitution for consideration.


  1. Dues for Active and Associate members shall be set by the officers and Executive Committee and should be minimal in order to encourage participation in the Branch. Failure to pay dues for two successive years shall terminate one’s membership in the Ohio Branch.
  2. The President at the meeting shall appoint an Auditing Committee of two members to check the books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer and to report to the membership at the business session.
  3. A Branch Archivist shall keep the historical record of the Ohio Branch, together with supporting accounts and records of interest to Ohio Microbiologists. The Archivist shall be appointed by the President for indefinite continuing tenure whenever a vacancy in the office occurs.
  4. The location of the meetings will vary depending upon invitations for them. These meetings should be located, on a rotating basis, at various sites within the state or neighboring states if a joint meeting is held.
  5. At the business session of each meeting, the order of business, subject to revision by the Executive Committee, shall be:
    1. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
    2. Treasurer’s report
    3. Report of Executive Committee
    4. Reports of special committees
    5. Miscellaneous business
    6. New business
    7. Announcements
    8. Adjournment
  6. These By-Laws may be amended at any business session of the Branch by a majority vote of the members present.